Friday, January 30, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The Grand List
- un bastardo, un figlio di puttana
- a bastard
- una brutta, una dispettosa, una schifosa, una strega
- a bitch
- un pompino
- a blow job
- merda
- shit
- un pompinaio, un succhiatore, un leccacazzi, un gustafave
- a cocksucker
- il cazzo, la minchia, il pistolino, la fava
- the prick
- la fica, la farfalla, la gnacchera, la toppa
- the pussy
- chiavare, trombare, fottere
- to fuck
- essere fottuto
- to be fucked up
- vaffanculo! vai in culo!
- fuck it! fuck off! fuck you!
- uno che va in culo a sua madre
- a motherfucker
- i coglioni, le palle
- the balls
- una bella fica, una fica pronta
- a piece of ass
- avere il cazzo in aria
- to be pissed off
- testa di merda
- shithead
- le poppe, le cioccie, le tette
- the breasts
Don't break my balls non mi rompere le palle, non mi scazzare i coglioni
Waste time = cazzeggiare
Homosexual = finocchio, culo, checca
To fuck = ciulare (Milanese), beciare (Genovese), scopare (Italiano)
Fuck it all = affanculo
What the hell are you talking about = che cazzo stai dicendo?
Fuck you = fottiti (vaffanculo is better)
The balls (a Napoletano) = le uallere
Rompipalle = ball breaker
Sticchiu: Pussy
Spacchiu: (sicilian, some pronounce it spacchio, in a more italian fashion), adj spacchiusu- a
Sperm, cum, trasl. as cool, hot, like in 'Chistu picciotto è spacchiusu', 'Chista machina è spacchiusa'.
Now you, too, can use these charming phrases:
- Andate tutti a 'fanculo!
- You can all go fuck yourselves!
- Nessuno me lo ficca in culo!
- Nobody fucks me up the ass!
- Tua madre si da per niente!
- Your mother gives it away!
- Vaffanculo a Lei, la sua moglie, e' la sua madre. Lei e' un cafone stronzo. Io non mangio in questo merdaio! Vada via in culo!
- You, sir, go fuck yourself--and your wife and your mother. You are a common turd! I'm not going to eat in this shithouse. Fuck you!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
A is for Arare
ammucchiata f. orgy.
arare v.t.(familiar) to possess sexually.
arrapato (familiar) horny, sexually excited.
arruso m. [Palermitano] (vulgar) buttocks. T'ta a facc',arruso I'll strip your face, [buttocks].
assatanato m. sexually aroused, excited.
avere rapporti sessuali con (familiar) to have sex with.
bagascia f. (pl. –sce) (vulgar) harlot, whore.
baldracca f. (vulgar) whore, slut.
bastardo a. bastard, illegitimate; figlio bastardo illegitimate son.
battona f. (vulgar) prostitute, streetwalker.
beghina f. (pejorative) bigot.
belino m. (vulgar) penis.
bidonare v.t. (vulgar) to cheat, to trick, to swindle.
bidonata f. (vulgar) swindle, trick; quel film è una bidonata that film is a swindle.
bidone m. swindle, trick; fare un bidone a qualcuno to swindle someone.
bidonista m./f. (vulgar) swindler, trickster, cheat.
bocchino v.t. (vulgar) to perform fellatio.
budella f.p. from budello (vulgar) empirsi le budella to fill one's belly, to stuff oneself.
busone m. (vulgar) passive male homosexual.
C is for Chiavata
cacarella f. (vulgar) diarrhea.
cacasenno (un/una) n. a know-it-all, a smart-ass; (lit.): one who [defecates] wisdom.
cacasentenze m./f. inv. one who likes to moralize, one who acts like he/she is very smart, a smart ass; (lit.): one who shits sentences.
cacasodo m./f. inv. an arrogant person, someone who thinks his/her [feces] doesn't stink; (lit.): one who defecates hard (from the verb cacare, meaning "to [defecate]" and the adjective sodo, meaning "tough" or "hard."
cacasotto m./f. inv. a very fearful person; (lit.): one who [defecates] down below.
cacatoio m. (vulgar) john, loo.
cacchio m. (vulgar) penis.
cafone s.m. (f. -a) (pejorative) boor, ill-mannered person.
cavolo (vulgar) non me ne importa un cavolo! I don't give a damn about it!; (vulgar)testa di cavolo blockhead.
cazzata (vulgar) bloody nonsense.
cazzo (vulgar) term for penis.
cazzone (vulgar) term for penis.
ceffo m. jerk; (lit.): big "dick".
cesso m. (vulgar) public washroom.
chiavare v.t. (trivial) to have sexual intercourse.
chiavata f. (vulgar) to have sexual intercourse.
cioccie f.p. (vulgar) breasts.
ciucca m. (vulgar) drunkenness.
coglione m. (vulgar) testicle; rompere i coglioni a qualcuno to break someone's [testicles].
cornuto m. (vulgar) deceived partner; (generic insult) cuckolded.
cosina veloce (una) f. a quickie; (lit.): a quick little thing.
culata f. (vulgar) shove or bump with the behind.
culo m. (vulgar) buttocks.
culone m. (vulgar) one with a big fat [buttocks].
donnaccia f. (pejorative) slut, hussy.
donnicciola f. (pejorative) silly or empty-headed woman; (referring to a male) sissy, weakling.
donnina f. donnina allegra woman of easy virtue; loose or fast woman.
emme m. (trivial) (the letter "m"—abbreviation of merda.) euphemism for feces.
F as in Finocchio
faccia di merda f. a very despicable person, an asshole, a bastard, a son of a bitch; (lit.): a face of [feces].
faccia di stronzo f. a very despicable person, a bastard, a son of a bitch; (lit.): turd head.
fare l'amore, all'amore v. to make love to.
fare aria exp. to fart; (lit.): to make air.
fare i gattini exp. to throw up, to barf one's guts up; (lit.): to have kittens.
fare un peto/una peta exp. to fart; (lit.): to make a fart.
fare una figura di merda exp. to make a [poor] impression, to embarrass oneself; (lit.): to make a figure of [excrement].
fare una puzza exp. to fart; (lit.): to make a stink.
farsi bello(a) v. to doll oneself up.
farsi una canna to have a joint.
farsi una ragazza (trivial) to score with a girl.
fesso v. (vulgar) silly, stupid, foolish, idiotic; fare il fesso to play the fool.
fessacchione/a n. a [complete] idiot; (lit.): big idiot.
fica f. (vulgar) euphemish for female genitals.
fighetta f. a sexy girl, a hot chick; (lit.): a cute little vagina.
figlio di puttana m. (vulgar) son of a bitch.
filmaccio m. a bad or dirty movie.
finire in merda exp. to end miserably; (lit.): to end in [excrement].
finocchio m. (vulgar) queer, fairy, gay.
fottere v. (vulgar) to have sexual intercourse.
fottersene v. (vulgar) not to give a damn.
fottuto a. (vulgar) taken advantage of, damned.
fregarsene v. (vulgar) not to give a damn (di about): Me ne frego dei suoi ordini I don't give a damn about his orders; E chi se ne frega? Who gives a damn?
frocio s.m. (vulgar) homosexual, faggot.
fuori come un balcone drunk.
grilla f. (vulgar) vagina.
grilletto f. (vulgar) clitoris.
grillo m. (vulgar) penis.
guanto m. (popular) condom.
I is for Inculare
inculare v.t. (trivial) to sodomize.
infischiarsi v. (familiar) not to give a damn; (familiar) not to care a rap (di about, for): Mi (or me ne) infischio di lui I don't give a damn (or couldn't care less) about him.
L is for Leccacazzi
leccaculo m./f. (vulgar) bootlicker, servile person; (lit.): [butt-licker].
lucciola f. (trivial) prostitute, streetwalker.
lumaca f. (vulgar) euphemism for female genitals.
M is for Manico
manico m. sex maniac.
merda f. (vulgar) excrement.
merdaio m. dung-heap; filthy or disgusting place.
merdoso a. filthy, disgusting.
meretrice f. prostitute, whore.
meretricio m. prostitution, whoredom, harlotry.
mignotta f. (vulgar) whore, slut.
minchia m. (rude) penis.
minchione m. (f. -a) (vulgar) fool, idiot.
minchioneria f. (vulgar) foolishness, idiocy.
mostrare il dito medio exp. to give the finger; (lit.): to show the middle finger.
orecchione f. (pejorative) passive male homosexual.
orizzontale f. (pejorative) prostitute.
parolaccia f. dirty word.
passeggiatrice f. (euphemism) prostitute, streetwalker.
piazzaiolo m. (f. -a) (pejorative) vulgar, coarse fellow.
pisciarsi addosso dalla paura exp. to be scared; (lit.): to pee on oneself for fear.
piscione m. (f. -a) (vulgar) pisser.
pisello m. (popular) penis.
pompino m. (vulgar) euphemism for fellatio.

porca s.f. (vulgar) slut, bitch.
porcaccione m. pig, slob.
porco s.m. (vulgar) pig; porco mondo damn it all.
pornazzo m. (from the masculine noun porno, meaning "pornographic movie") an X-rated movie.
puttana f. (vulgar) whore; figlio di puttana son of a bitch.
puttaneggiare v.i. (vulgar) to whore, to play the whore.
puttanesco a. (vulgar) whorish; sluttish.
puttaniere m. (vulgar) whoremonger.
quaglia f. (vulgar) prostitute, sexy girl.
quartiere a luci rosse m. red-light district (where prostitution takes place); (lit.): the quarter of red lights.
R is for Raspare
recchione m. (vulgar) passive male homosexual.
rompicoglioni m./f. inv. (vulgar) pain in the [buttocks].
rompipalle m./f. inv. (vulgar) bore, nuisance.
ruffiano m. (vulgar) bootlicker, servile person [Siciliano].

sbrodare v.t. (vulgar) to orgasm.
scassacazzo m./f. inv. (vulgar) pain in the [buttocks].
sciolta (la) f. the runs, diarrhea; (lit.): the melts.
scopare v.t. (trivial) to have sexual intercourse.
scopata f. (trivial) sexual intercourse.
scopata facile f. (trivial) an easy lay.
scopatrice f. (trivial) woman who has sex.
scoreggia f. (pl. -ge) (vulgar) fart.
sega f. (rude) male masturbation.
sfatto f. (trivial) worn out after a night of debauchery.
slinguare exp. to French kiss; (lit.): to "tongue" (from the feminine noun lingua, meaning "tongue").
sorca f. (vulgar) cunt.
squaldrina f. (pejorative) trollop, strumpet, harlot, tart.
sticchio f. (vulgar) cunt.
stitico/a adj. constipated; stingy, tight with one's money.
stracciamanici f. (trivial) sexually insatiable girl.
stramaledetto a. (popular) cursed, damned, (vulgar) bloody.
stronzo m. (vulgar) turd; (figuratively) excrement, turd.
sveltina (una) f. a quickie; (lit.): from the adjective svelto/a, meaning "quick."
T is for Tirare
tirare v.t. (trivial) to have an erection.
topa f. (trivial) euphemism for female genitals.
trapanare v.t. (trivial) to possess sexually.
troia f. (vulgar) slut, bitch.
troiaio m. a very dirty, filthy place; (lit.): a pigsty.
troiata f. (vulgar) dirty trick.
trombare v.t. (trivial) euphemism for sexual intercourse.
vacca f. (vulgar) slut, bitch, whore.
vaff! (vulgar - see vaffanculo).
vaffanculo (vulgar—contraction of the expression "Va' a fare in culo" up your [buttocks].) insult.
vangare v.t. inv. (trivial) to have sexual intercourse; (vulgar) intercourse.
vecchio schifoso m. disgusting old man.
vecchio sporcaccione m. dirty old man.
vomitare l'anima exp. to throw up, to barf one's guts up; (lit.): to vomit one's soul.