What do you want from me?
Cosa avanzi? (**) When someone is looking at you as if you owe them something.
Hai qualche problema? or C'è qualche problema? (*) Got a problem? Or, is there a problem?
Always a good way of starting an argument.
Che cavolo vuoi? (**) What the hell do you want? Lit. What cabbage do you want?
Cos'hai da guardare? or Che cavolo hai da guardare? What are you looking at? Lit. What cabbage are you looking at? In short, Cavolo guardi?
Cavolo can be substituted for Cacchio (***) which is a little bit ruder or Cazzo (R) which is very, very rude - used when people really mean business.
Ti prendo a sberle (**) I'll give you a good slapping.
Ti faccio un culo così (R) I'll make you a bum like this... or something to that effect which means I will sort you out.
Ti rifaccio la dentatura (**) I'll rearrange you teeth.
Me la paghi cara (*) You'll pay dearly.
Vai a cagare (R) Go take a dump.
Vai a cagare sulle ortiche (R) Go take a dump on stinging nettles.
Ma vai a quel paese (R) Lit. Go to that country. Get lost.
Porco (***) Pig.
Contaballe (***) Liar.
Leccaculo/Lecchino (***) Bootlicker.
Mi fai schifo! (**) You disgust me!
Che cavolo dici? (*) What the hell are you talking about?
Non sparare cazzate (***) Don't talk crap.
Con chi credi di parlare? (*) Who do you think you are talking to?
Credi che sia nato/a ieri? (*) Do you think I was born yesterday?
Mi prendi per scemo/a? (**) Do you think I'm stupid?
Non prendermi per il culo (***) Lit. Don't take me by the bum. Don't take the Mickey.
Ma tu ti droghi! (**) You're on drugs!
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